Thursday, March 24, 2011

Reduce Pest Bird Damage with Bird Netting


by Alex A. Kecskes
Pest birds continue to create a number of problems in cities, towns, groves and vineyards. Pigeons, for example, carry infectious diseases. Their droppings can cause tuberculosis, flu, paratyphoid, lyme disease, toxoplasmosis, and encephalitis. In rural areas, pest birds will peck on fruits, vegetables and plants, costing growers money and plenty of grief. One very effective solution is bird netting. It's both humane and environmentally friendly, since pesticides and aroma repellants can kill birds, which in some areas is illegal. Regardless of your pest bird problem, the advantages of bird netting are manifold.

Types and Sizes of Bird Netting

Bird netting is available for a wide range of birds. There's 2-inch mesh for deterring pigeons and crows; 1-1/8-inch mesh for starlings and blackbirds; 3/4-inch mesh for sparrows and swallows; and 4-inch mesh for deterring gulls. Bird netting also comes in a number of different weights and colors--like black, stone and translucent to blend in aesthetically with your environment. Some manufacturers offer heavier woven hexagonal mesh white netting, others offer lighter, diamond mesh nylon black netting. Both have advantages and disadvantages.

Many fruit trees and berry bushes--including blackberry, black/red current, loganberry raspberry, and strawberry--need to be covered with nets to protect them from birds as the fruit ripens. Bird netting is an extremely effective means of preventing blackbird infiltration. Birds such as grackles and crows can overwhelm trees and other vegetation, leaving damage and droppings in their wake.

Heavy-Duty Bird Netting--for Really Big Jobs

To keep pest birds from entering air hangars, garages, factories, warehouses, canopies and other large areas, there's heavy-duty bird netting. Made of strong polyethylene, this netting is usually a U.V. resistant mesh that meets ISO 1806 mesh test standards. Some heavy-duty bird netting is rot proof, waterproof, flame resistant and sub-zero stable. Like most netting, it comes in various sizes and custom cuts.

Installing and Using Bird Netting

There are certain guidelines that have proven helpful when installing bird netting. For vegetable gardens, blueberry bushes and grape vines, the netting should be suspended so as not to allow birds direct access to the crop. When protecting blueberry bushes and grape vines with netting, allow at least 6 inches of space. When covering a bush or vine, use support poles. To protect vegetable gardens, wrap the individual plants in netting or suspend the netting around the entire garden.

Before installing bird netting over trees, prune them to a height that allows you to spread the netting over the top of the tree without using a ladder.  If you have to move and go up and down a ladder, you'll waste time and energy. If your trees are just a little on the high side, use a pole to prop the net over the top of the tree. You might think about "summer pruning" your fruit trees to cut down on the number of branches you have to negotiate when draping the net. If your trees are too large to be covered by a single net, cut the net into smaller pieces and wrap the individual branches. Be sure to draw the edges of the net together under the branches to prevent birds from sneaking underneath the net. In many cases, special net zippers and clips are available to simplify maintenance. Finally, don't leave the nets on too long. Young shoots will grow through the netting, and you'll be hard pressed to remove it without ripping it to shreds.

Heavy-duty bird netting should be installed properly by professionals. Installed improperly, this netting will sag or droop, creating gaps where pest birds can squeeze through. Ideally, a cable should be set up around the perimeter of the netted area, and the net should then be attached to this cable. Bat netting is installed similar to heavy-duty bird netting. You set up a perimeter cable, then secure the net to this cable and pull it taught around all edges to eliminate any gaps.
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