by Alex A. Kecskes
You know a pest bird when you see one. They're not those lovely little birds that helped Cinderella tie ribbons around her waist. Au contraire. They're the flocks of birds that invade your property, costing you big money in cleanup and property damage. And you've tried everything, it seems, to rid yourself of the little buggers. This includes shotguns, propane cannons, firecrackers, flares, even hiring falconers and predator hawk experts to get them off your property. Nothing seems to work. They just keep coming--in greater numbers--to cost you more time and money. What to do? Time to Fight Back with Bird NettingFacilities managers and building owners, vintners and growers are discovering the many merits of bird netting. This highly effective and humane pest bird deterrent has kept birds out of courtyards, patios, storage yards and other open areas. It has also saved boat owners from annoying cleanup and damage expenses. And prevented the slip-and-fall accidents that have cost many property owners tens of thousands in personal injury settlements. From an "A" to a "C" Rating Restaurant owners have used bird netting to keep pest birds away from their establishments. Bird droppings can ruin an eatery's reputation faster than any food critic. And health inspectors will turn an "A" rated restaurant into a "C" rated one if they spot nests or droppings nearby. They know that birds can carry any of 60 known diseases. Feral pigeons, for example, have been known to carry a bacterium that causes Salmonellosis. Pigeons can also carry Ornithosis, a serious disease that's similar to viral pneumonia.